Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Essence of Christmas

First of all, I would like to greet you all Merry Christmas to everybody! Thanks for being a regular reader of my blog Millionaire Acts.

Everyone wants Christmas to be meaningful. Christmas is definitely the season for gifts and shopping. During Christmas, a lot of people go to malls to buy various gifts to be given to their friends and loved ones. People just need to spend more during Christmas season. The effect? - traffic jam, growing credit card debts, lots of to-do lists, etc.

I came across a different view about Christmas and it’s what they call the “Advent Conspiracy Movement“. It is a movement started by Rick McKinley, a pastor of Imago Dei in Portland, Oregon. It capitalizes on this feeling by encouraging people to “spend less” and “give more” which is the true essence of Christmas.

I guess with the current recession, this Advent Consipracy Movement is apt for us. It goes by the line ”Love All, Spend Less, Give More.” The true essence of Christmas relies not on the gifts which commands you to spend more but on the love and unity that each one of us should build. Spend less on gifts and more on relationships! Merry Christmas everybody!